The first case of Coronavirus in Calgary, Alberta, was reported yesterday by Alberta Health. The person was on a cruise ship off the coast of California called, Grand Princess. This Calgary based individual is now in isolation, undergoing treatment.

It’s Better to say “Sorry for Repeating,” than to Say, “Had I Known”

In a community where during the last federal and provincial elections, we talked to many people who had no idea that elections were going on with all the lawn signs placed all over the city. This is because most of our community members do not follow what is on local media in their cities. As such, we cannot take chances not to share with our community that this virus that they thought was in China has finally come to their doorsteps and there is real risk of contracting it as the person who has contracted the virus has interacted with other people, and at home it is hard not to interact with people in the households, who will in turn interact with members of the public. There is real chance of other cases of the virus coming up in Alberta, as most of the other cases in other countries, for a virus as infectious as the flu virus, infected people go on to infect others they interact with.

Well, the safety advises are simple and cost nothing, but need be repeated as there is no enforcement for washing hands, hand washing with soap is a self-enforcement routine which we have to constantly hammer home the message to community members; adults and kids alike. Sick people too have to be cautious as they may either contract the virus due to their compromised immune system, or infect others with their own infection.

What do we do to Help Prevent Infection from Coronavirus?

Alberta Health advises on hand washing with soap, no touching of the face, stay home if sick, and stay home for 14 days (self-quarantine) if travelling back from any of the following seven countries; China, Iran, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea.

Any question, please call Alberta Health Link on 811.