Our great team

Diversity Magazine is more than just a beautiful Book!

Ladies and gentlemen, the world is changing, so too is your most reliable source of community news in Alberta.

We expanded, we added new important services, and of course new talented people too, such that you can have the all in one services that you always ask of.

You can now share your news with us or know what is happening in your community that no media talks about in text, photos, videos, and in English and French., daily, weekly, and on our quarterly publication.

You can equally get help with putting together your events and festivals, publish your own beautiful magazine and newsletter using our expertise, take advantage of our Influencer Agency and reach a particular demography or get known as an influencer in Alberta.

Why not discover the colourful lakes, mountains, waterfalls, and other beauties of Alberta with us through Diversity Travel coming up in 2024, or continue shopping after our festivals and events by shopping on our online market and getting products delivered to you after shopping on our Diversity Online Market (DOM), as well as, use DOM to sell your products and services while you keep busy making new products.

Thank you for your support to Diversity Magazine or better still, DiversityPluss, as always, we appreciate and look forward to connecting with you as we go across the province doing the work that you support us to do.

Evolution of Diversity Magazine

Diversity Magazine is a project of Green Crusader Inc., now evolved into DiversityPluss, a social enterprise, registered as a community service business in 2010 in Edmonton, working for the good of the environment, community, and business. Diversity Magazine was launched on 17 December, 2012 in the fantastic city of Edmonton as Afro Canadian Magazine before opening its doors to other communities as Diversity Magazine in December, 2014. March 31, 2017 saw the official launch of Diversity Magazine in the great City of Calgary, and launched in 2021 in the powerful city of Toronto and Area.

Diversity Magazine is a member of the Ethnic Media Council of Canada. It tells untold stories, a tool to promote all of its other projects. Diversity takes diversity to the classrooms, boardrooms, events, through the Inclusion Project, it shares untold Albertan stories to its 120,000 reach through weekly video collection through its YouTube Channel called Diversity TV, quarterly Diversity Magazine print, Weekly Diversity Online; and it produces numerous events including AC AwardDiversity Award and Africanival.

Diversity Magazine 2017 

Thank You MLA Chris Nielsen for inviting and presenting Diversity Magazine to the honourable members of Alberta Legislation on Dec. 5, 2016. A big embrace to you our hardworking team for a wonderful year, 2016:

Back Row, Left to Right, Albert, Ibraheem, Frankline. Front Row, Left to Right, Gisèle and Monika. Diversity Magazine thank you all sincerely for the warm support in 2016!

Frankline Agbor, Producer, Diversity Magazine (right) and Doug Piquette, Executive Director of ERIEC (left) awarding Diversity Magazine ERIEC’s 2016 Partnership Award. Diversity will keep supporting the good work you guys do at ERIEC (Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council).

Thank you Alberta for appreciating the work of Diversity Magazine in the community. Thank you NBCC for the Fill Fraser Award for outstanding work in literary, performing and or visual arts.

Diversity Magazine partners with Community Service-Learning Program of the University of Alberta to work with students of the Course, History of Folklore Studies by Dr. Kononenko Natalie. Please stay tuned for some fantastic articles coming through from the students. Diversity Magazine is proud to use our platforms to develop the talents of the next generation of writers, videographers, photographers, researchers, and those excited to tell untold community stories. 

Diversity Magazine is pleased to share its platform to help train students from Grant MacEwan University, Reeves and Pixel Blue Colleges in Edmonton.

Passionate about building a Canada which thrives on cultural harmony. Here is our team to do that:

Frankline Agbor, Executive Producer

Chief Green Officer for Green Crusader Inc., M.Sc. Env. Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium, BSc., University of Buea, Cameroon. Frankline provides green marketing and sustainability consulting services, spiced with sustainability presentations, green story sharing, green articles and green promotion events with selected projects reported in credible newspapers and tv stations in the Edmonton area. As GHG Emissions Manager for GGSS Inc. from 2008-2010, Frankline worked on the realisation of three tree farm projects in Alberta profiled in some local newspapers such as here on Spotlight, High Prairie, Alberta, Canada. 


Community Involvement

  • Producer and founder of the bright and shiny Afro-Canadian Magazine now called Diversity Magazine, distributed in Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, across Alberta, across Ontario, evolving into a Canadian Magazine. 
  • He is also the Producer of all Diversity projects; the weekly Diversity TV, Africanival festival, AC Awards in Edmonton and Calgary, Black CAR, the weekly Diversity Online Magazine, and many other platforms.
  • Frankline’s work has been profiled in every major publication in Edmonton, has won numerous awards, most recently, The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal.

Gisèle Ndoungo, Operation’s Manager

In 2011 Gisèle Ndoungo acquired an Accounting and Payroll Diploma from CDI College Edmonton. After joining Diversity Magazine as Operations Manager in 2013, she discovered her passion for business management.

As an operation Manager for Diversity Magazine, the suitability of her talents and skills cannot be over emphasized. Gisèle brings to the table a great level of curiosity, diligence, time consciousness and professionalism. As a hardworking individual she makes sure the work she does is timely and in a professional manner.

Today, Gisèle is a professional writer, self trained graphic designer, video editor, photographer and videographer.

She has been involved in organizing several community events such the biggest African Festival in Edmonton called Africanival, AC Awards, Diversity Awards, and many others.

Through her involvement with Diversity Magazine she has done several reporting, telling the untold stories to cities across Alberta and Ontario.

In 2020, she was at the centre of the community TV called Diversity TV, now working on the new Diversity Centre for media, arts, filmmaking and business development.


Harriet Tinka, Brand Ambassador/English & Young Writers Club Host – Edmonton

Harriet Tinka is a perfect example of finding a need in the community and filling it. She is known by her students as a “Powerhouse Role Model who makes being genuine the most powerful thing of all”. She struggled with her self-worth and confidence in her teen years, and despite dealing with some unique obstacles along the way, she has broken through those barriers and has found the ultimate success in inspiring teens reach their full potential.

As she faced her adversities, she was one day inspired by a little girl in a wheel chair who said to her, “Move forward and use your pain to inspire others.” Harriet decided it was time to pay it forward. Ever since, she has inspired and touched lives of over 500 teens!

Harriet has over sixteen years of experience in an international and local modeling career. As her life journey thrived, she started teaching extensively in modeling school, helping the models boost their self-esteem and overcome negative self-talk so as to love themselves unconditionally. Her inspiration became contagious and soon parents and teens were looking up to her for inspiration. With all the support and encouragement she received, she decided to start workshops titled “I Believe in Me Because…” to instill this energy to the young people.

Keri-Lynn Gibbs,  Reporter -Central Alberta

Keri-Lynn Gibbs is a community builder in the city with a passion for intercultural understanding. She is an English Language Instructor with extensive education in Applied Linguistics and Teaching and English as a Second Language. Her interests include using various art and media to promote literacy in learners especially as it relates to acquiring new English or retaining mother tongue language skills. Keri-Lynn has lived in various provinces across the country, travelled to more than twelve nations, and understands what it is like to live and work in a different cultural environment with limited language skills. Her professional experience in the fields of crisis intervention, and community care make her keenly sensitive to the challenges emerging communities face when they come to Canada.r

Debra Kasowski, Business and Professional Contributor – Edmotnon

Debra is a thought leader, transformational speaker, blogger, and well visuals, speakers, authors, and small business owners conquer the barriers to their success by achieving clarity, creating an actionable plan through a variety of goal-setting practices.

Debra holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Alberta and has been practicing nursing for the nearly twenty years providing leadership, coaching for performance, and ed­ucation through a variety of roles. She has combined her passion and love for helping people with her professional speaking and coaching business to help people transform their lives and business.

She is the best-selling co-author of GPS Your Best Life: Charting Your Destination and Getting There in Style. The Entrepreneurial Mom’s Guide to Growing a Business, Raising a Family, and Creating a Life You Love is Debra Kasowski’s most recent release published by Bettie Youngs Books.

Faith Greaves, Brand Ambassador – Toronto

Faith Greaves has been actively involved in the communities since arriving in Calgary in January 2009.

Born in Jamaica, West Indies, Faith immigrated to Canada in 1975, settling in the community of Toronto with her family. Faith calls Calgary her new home. A humanitarian at heart, Faith is involved with a number of organizations in Calgary that support grassroots community engagement.

In 2012, Faith founded Mozia Shows & Plays, a family-oriented theatrical production company built on the idea that art can be a tool for educating and bringing families together as well as bridging racial and economic divides. She is most proud of the production, “I Need to Know My Father”, a story of how love transcends race and colour.

Ever driven, Faith created the Mozia Women’s Network Society with a mandate to empower African, Canadian and Caribbean women, children and youth through life skills, education, mentorship and sports. The organization aims to inspire leaders of the future. Faith’s latest accomplishments include: The Black History Heritage Concert at the Genesis Centre and Marcus Garvey Youth Leadership Award.

Faith’s firmly believes in the concept of abundant communities, a strategy of community engagement that promotes new connections and relationships among neighbors. The idea is that stronger social ties lead to safer, healthier communities. Always leading by example, Faith believes one’s sense of community stewardship is borne out of our own backyard.

Mireille Zatcha, Brand Ambassador in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – Fort McMurray

Diversity Magazine/TV is proud to present the passionate community builder, Mireille Zatcha, as its Brand Ambassador in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, otherwise known as Fort McMurray.
Mireille T. Zatcha was born in Cameroon, Africa, and has lived in 3 continents. She is a mother of 3, a certified mediator and a teacher. With more than 10 years of experience as teacher, she considers herself a lifelong learner.
Mireille is passionate about educating people and helping BIPOC facing challenges of discrimination and social injustice. As an activist, she initiated the Celebration of Black History Month (BHM) at her school and actively participated in BHM celebrations in her hometown and conducted Black History Month Celebration for the BCW in Action (a Non- profit in Edmonton). She also participated in Black Lives Matter March in Edmonton and Fort McMurray.
She’s still going, the Founder/Executive Director of Mandla’s Foundation, a non profit created in honour of her late daughter, Mandla.
Due to Mandla and her foundation’s impact in their community, March 22nd was proclaimed Mandla’s Day in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.

Lyse Riza, Brand Ambassador – Southern Alberta

My name is Lyse Riza. I was born and raised in an central-eastern country of the Motherland, called Burundi. Traditionally, Burundi is a herding society where cattle “Inka” holds a great deal of power in its culture. Such a power that it is even reflects in the way they greet one another – “Amashyo”, translated as “may you have herds of cattle” – or the way they name their children. My surname Riza was inspired by that tradition for it translates as the first born female calf, given that as I am a first born-girl. 

I immigrated to Canada in the Autumn of 2002 with my young family, pursued my postsecondary education thereafter, graduated in 2008 and started my career as a public servant that same year. I am a blessed mother of three beautiful children. I enjoy long walks in nature, playing music, staying active and I speak a total of five languages – English, French, Kirundi, Kinyarwanda and Swahili. My passion for arts, the love for dance and the knowledge of what People of African Descent have contributed to the world in terms of arts and beyond; are all to be credited for what started as an aspiration to connect with others, to a fully-fledged and active involvement in all affairs that seek to bring unity and collaboration, to build an even stronger community. 

Armed with a mission to promote Burundian rich cultural heritage, I have lead, organized, planned and coordinated through musical and theatrical performances, my Burundian fellows of Calgary since 2016 and together we have been part of many wedding ceremonies; communities celebrations; festivals; workshops; sport and cultural events. Namely: • Marcus Garvey Youth Leadership Recognition and Awards Presentation • United Nations Association of Calgary for the United Nations’ 70th Anniversary Celebration • Global Fest YYC 2016 • Canada Day Celebrations (2016-2017) in the community of Rosscarrock • Unity Dance Across Africa with Woezo • Ethnica Events organized by Afrikadey Arts and Culture Society • Caribbean Heritage Sports Competition (5th Annual) • 60th Guinean Independence Day Celebration • Umuco Cultural Dance Black History Heritage Workshop • Journée Internationale de la Femme 2018 &2020 by the Portail de L’Immigrant Association. 

My leadership and planning skills served me well when I organized the 2019 Black History Month workshops. These informative workshops were scheduled throughout the month of February and spoke on: • Diversity and Inclusion, • Mental health, • Parenting, • Personal finance and real estate, • The arts of motion picture, • Les Franco-Africains de Calgary, • The role of the Black Church in Calgary • Visual poetry, and • Youth and the Law. 

I also appreciate the need to relay the cultural knowledge and musical heritage to younger generations. My dance company Tuvyine Inc. with Lyse Riza in collaboration with INGO Solidarity Association of Alberta through the Burundi Connection Program provides dance lessons to a group of youngsters between the ages of four and fifteen since Spring of 2019. 

I prepared their dance choreographies and authored their scripts at the following events: • INGO Solidarity Association of Alberta’s 2020 New Year celebration • 2020 Ethnik Festival. My involvement in the Multi-cultural community of Calgary has not gone unnoticed. I am a proud recipient of the following accolades: • 2018 Certificate of Appreciation For Support and Inspiration in Service to the AfroCaribbean Community of Calgary, by Councillor Gian-Carlo Carra, Ward 9 • Le Prix Bénévole 2018, by PIA Association • Indo-Canadian Community Association Award for Diversity • Certificate of Appreciation as a Community Partner by the Black History Heritage Society 2019 • Le Prix Leadership et Bénévole 2020, by PIA Association. I am also an avid volunteer who sits in on a few local and national organizations’ Boards: • The Fountain of Orphans and Vulnerable Women (FOVW) • Calgary BLACK Connection (CBC) • Soutien Entre les Burundais du Canada (S.E.B.C – Dushigikirane) • Dernière Demeure Internationale (DDI) 

• Calgary Burundian Community I believe in working together to build a better tomorrow for all of us. My slogan is “live and love without reserve” in order to have a fulfilling journey on earth.

Alita Vaz, Reporter – Calgary 

Alita Vaz is an expert in information design. She loves to write and has been writing articles for over 5 years.
She’s passionate about social issues including multiculturalism and loves giving back to the community in whatever way she can.
She is passionate about taking information and transforming it into powerful stories that inspire people everywhere.

Arlene Ambrose, Columnist – Edmonton


Arlene Ambrose is a Vincentian-Canadian writer. Her work focuses on mindset and encouragement. She has a background in health, depression and anxiety workshop facilitation and creativity as healing.

Fonyuy Medeatrice, Reporter – Toronto and Area

Fonyuy Medeatrice is an accounting student and a communications enthusiast. She has a great interest in understanding human interconnectedness and the use of the media in the vast world of communication. Having served as a communications assistant and editor of school news, she has developed a good mastery of article writing and news reporting. She is determined and self driven with the ability to learn and adapt to new skills.

Rayyah Sempala, Reporter / English Host – Edmonton

Rayyah Sempala is a Ugandan-Canadian studying Sociology at MacEwan University.

Her passions include activism, debate and participating in clubs that benefit her community.

Her dream is to be a good role model for young girls, especially young immigrants, to show them that they too can achieve whatever it is that they set their minds too.

Émilienne Ngo Batoum, Bilingual Host – Edmonton

Émilienne travaille depuis 6 ans au Conseil scolaire Centre-Nord. 
Elle assiste les familles (adultes + enfants) issues de l’immigration à accroître leurs connaissances des lois du Canada, règlements et procédures en vigueur dans de nombreux domaines de la vie sociale.

Elle aide, les organisations à concevoir et développer des outils pratiques visant à prévenir certains types de conflits ou adopter des mécanismes pratiques qui permettent de maintenir des relations moins conflictuelles avec leur public cible.

Moji Taiwo, Host, The Immigrant Experience Show – Calgary

Retired after 31 years of service with the Government of Alberta. I worked with youth and parents; provided training to staff / caregivers on how to effectively communicate with teenagers. I collaborated with community partners such as police agencies across the country, lawyers and legal service providers, higher institutions, policy makers and community agencies. Receiving many community and professional awards including but not limited to …….
2018 – Published/Author – I Give because I’m Blessed – I’m Blessed becuase I Give ‘A Chronicle of An Immigrant’s Journey’
2017 – Canada 150 Stories – featured at #123
2015 – recipient of “Corrections Exemplary Service Ba Award
2013 – The Nigerian Canadian Association of Calgary Leadership Award
2009 – recipient of the “Solicitor General and Public Security Leadership Award
2008 – recipient of the “Corrections Exemplary Service Medal Award

Currently, I provide the following services…..:

*Life Skills Workshops for Youth*
– Peer pressure, Bullying, Decision Making, Achieving Success, Career Choices, Conflict Resolution, Substance Use/Abuse etc.

*Parenting Workshops/Tips for Parents*
– Understanding Your Teens, Effective communication with your Teens, Trouble Signs, Parent/Teen Mediation etc.

Angie Ostojic, Host, The AO Show

Angie Ostojic, is a devoted mother, loving wife, visionary leader, entrepreneur, passionate speaker, life coach, community leader and friend. Born and raised in the Philippines from a humble upbringing. Her determination as a working student enabled her to pursue a university education in her home country. At the age of 19, an opportunity arose for Angie to work abroad as domestic helper. She did so in Hong Kong, and the Middle East before moving to Canada as a caregiver/nanny in 1995.

Sunil (Sunny) Phool, Host, Currents Affairs Show – Edmonton

Safety / operations manager with proven success leading production teams to meet behavior-based safety goals. Troubleshooter with a passion for safety and a hands-on approach to training, procedure creation and evaluation, and risk assessment and management. Expertise and credentials include:
• Lean human resource management
• Process knowledge
• Logistics and supply chains
• Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) Compliance Auditor certification
• Incident investigations
• Commissioned officer (logistic) with Canadian Armed Forces (Retd.)

Tactician and strategist, able to balance immediate and gradual changes to meet best practices and goals while being sensitive to individual and organizational needs. Demonstrated ability to communicate company’s vision to work group and ensure group’s actions are aligned with the business goals.

• Diploma: Asia Pacific Management (MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB)
• Postgraduate diploma: Tourism and Travel (Delhi University)
• Masters: History (Delhi University)
• BA with honours: History (Delhi University, Delhi, India)
• Seminars: WCB (Return to Work, Employer Information, Appeals System)
• Train-the-Trainer: WHMIS, TDG, Flagger , Bear Watch, Fork Lift, Crane, Rigging
OSSA Instructor (I Safety): Confined Space, Fall Protection, EWP, Fire Watch

• National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) designation (Alberta Construction Safety Council, Edmonton, AB)
• Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) certification (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB)
• Compliance Auditor certification (Alberta Construction Safety Council, Edmonton, AB)
• Environmental certification — expected completion 2014 (University of Alberta, Edmonton AB)
• Flagger Train-the-Trainer (Alberta Construction Safety Council, Edmonton, AB)
• OSSA Fall Protection Inspector and Respirator Fit Tester certifications
• Tickets: First Aid, WHMIS, H2S, Confined Space and Aerial Platform

Ann Maina, Host, The Fashion & Beauty Show

As a young Kenyan who immigrated to Canada at a young age Ann grew up shy and unsure of herself. Growing up an athlete instilled in Ann a “down but not out” attitude that she used to come out of her shell. Playing basketball also showed Ann how important having a trusted team is. 

She would say that finding and keeping a supportive inner circle of friends and family has been her greatest achievement in life. For the past several years, Ann’s life has revolved around school, community, and pageantry. She entered university being awarded a leadership scholarship for her life accomplishments and the example she sets on a daily basis as a full-time employee and student. Including, but not limited to graduating high school in two years rather than the standard three, coaching Jr. High senior girls basketball team for two seasons, serving as the Director of Youth for the Kenyan Community Association, and helping to organize a few events with the Young African Professionals of Calgary. 

She is now in her second year of university pursuing a business degree in Strategic Management and Organization. Her goal is to one day own a consulting company working with small and medium sized businesses to streamline operations in order to succeed in their industry. In September 2020, Ann competed in the Miss Canada Globe beauty pageant held in Toronto. This being her second pageant, Ann found that beauty is more than just appearance, a beauty queen has a presence about her; in the way she speaks, the way she carries herself and in the way people feel around her. 

To Ann, true beauty comes from owning who you are and amplifying it to be the light for others. As Marianne Williamson would say, “As we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” Ann is the founder of her pageant platform Know.Love.Lead: the journey to becoming an empowered woman. Know.Love.Lead is on a mission to ignite women’s self-discovery so that they can be their own change agent in life. 

A mission to empower women to embrace their perfect imperfections as they continue to better know themselves, love themselves, and lead themselves. It is an organization that welcomes every woman in every stage of life to join the conversation of self-awareness (Know), self-worth (Love), and self-mastery (Lead). Know.Love.Lead has goals to collaborate with powerful women, host life-affirming weekend events and to reach girls in all corners of the earth with it’s message. For months she worked hard to prepare for the pageant; from fitness, to finding sponsorship, to community engagement, to confidence and poise, to platform building and awareness, to outfits, hair and make up, Ann gave 110% to be her best and truest self during the week in Toronto. 

All her hard work paid off! Not only did she receive the Miss Leadership award given to the girl who possessed good leadership skills and was a good role model within the pageant since day one, but she returned to Alberta victorious! Ann Maina was crowned and titled, Miss Canadian Multi-National 2020/2021. As a result of this win, Ann begins her preparations to compete in the international pageant Miss Multi-National 2021 proud to represent Canada in India! Apart from her passion for business and personal development, people would be surprised to know that Ann loves the magic of Disney. Disney not only takes her back to her childhood, but it reminds her to always be childlike. 

The world is full of possibilities and it is more fun living in it through eyes of wonder, curiosity, and laughter. She believes it is not the world that has changed but people’s perspective of it from childhood to adulthood. No adult is sheltered from the challenges of the world; however Ann makes the conscious choice of looking at the world from a place of possibility and empowerment.

Audra Komo, Executive Assistant to Diversity Magazine Producer

Audra Komo is a business management graduate from Saint Jerome Catholic University Institute of Douala, where she earned her Master’s degree in 2021, showcasing her dedication and academic excellence.

During her studies, Audra honed her expertise in project management, financial management, cash management, accounting, and planning. Notably, she distinguished herself in her coursework and practical experience, handling responsibilities such as monitoring banking negotiations, validating decisions, and spearheading financial operations.

Upon relocating to Canada, Audra’s passion for community engagement led her to volunteer for AFRICANIVAL, one of the prominent African festivals in Edmonton. This experience provided her with valuable insights into community involvement, event planning, and effective task coordination, showcasing her adaptability and enthusiasm in a new cultural context.

Recognizing the importance of ongoing development, Audra furthered her skills in business development at Diversity Magazine. Here, she immersed herself in various aspects of the field, acquiring proficiency in sales, task management, networking, and branding. Her contributions extended to the establishment of comprehensive databases for Black businesses, professionals, nonprofits, and artists in both Edmonton and Calgary.

Audra’s role also involved strategic initiatives such as compiling databases for events in the two cities, planning meetings, updating social media platforms, and maintaining website content. She actively participated in media coverage, showcasing her ability to multitask and effectively manage diverse responsibilities.

To enhance her performance, Audra proactively sought experiences in Social Media and Video Editing. Her dedication to seeking new partnerships, businesses, and knowledge exemplifies her commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Audra Komo’s dynamic and committed approach to her career reflects not only her academic achievements but also her adaptability, community engagement, and passion for ongoing growth in the ever-evolving business landscape.

The Audra recent project, titled “ENHANCING CULTURAL CONNECTION THROUGH THE ONLINE AFRICAN CULTURAL LIBRARY,” received approval from the Africa Center on December 18, 2023.

Laura Sunjoh, Ontario Ambassador for Diversity Magazine

Laura is a dynamic and innovative community advocate recognized for her ambition, vivacity, approachability, and resourcefulness. She volunteers in the fitness and youth programs at the YMCA of Three Rivers and also contributes to children’s programs at her local church.

Holding a prominent role on the board of a nonprofit, Laura facilitates the integration of newcomers to Canada and sponsors vocational training for underprivileged youths in Cameroon.

Beyond her organizational responsibilities, Laura spearheads local and nationwide events for her cultural association (Wimbum Canada) and leads a thrift donation project.

She extends her impact by addressing environmental issues and climate change through writings for Fortemedia Cameroon.

Her diverse interests include music, travel, research, and fitness and her involvement with Diversity Magazine contributes to advancing the organization’s vision and exploring new possibilities.