Between November 17-18, Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, announced that Alberta has identified 732 new cases and completed approximately 13,000 tests. 11 new deaths were also reported within that period.

A positivity rate of about 5.5% with over 10,000 active cases, 287 people in hospital including 57 in ICU.

Alberta medical chief pleads, “We need Albertans to do their part. By working together to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the community, we can reduce the need for hospitalization and demands on our hospitals”.

Our schools are not spared from this swollen COVID-19 cases in Alberta. Dr. Hinshaw says there are active alerts or outbreaks in 320 schools – about 13% of all schools in AB. This includes 64 schools on the watch list. In-school transmission has likely occurred in 157 schools – about 83 had only 1 new case result. Get COVID-19 updates at

Due to the scary COVID-19 cases, Alberta’s medical chief announced new measures this week. Only the Edmonton area, Calgary area, Grande Prairie, Fort McMurray, Red Deer, and Lethbridge have a temporary ban on indoor group fitness classes, team sport activities, and group performance activities from Nov. 13-27.

“We are asking all Albertans to do their part. If these measures are not successful, it will be necessary to implement more restrictive measures,” Dr. Hinshaw writes on Alberta Government Facebook Page.