Diversity Community Newscast for December 25, 2020.

Hosted by Harriet Tinka.

Here are your headlines…

There’s financial help if you are in self-isolation or taking care of a child affected by COVID-19…

Meet 3 AC Awards Entrepreneur of the Year recipients – Ali, Neva and Hanna….

City of Calgary clear out COVID-19 rumours…..

Ever wonder where to visit this holidays without living your city, Rayyah Sempala has put together some options for you….

Now the news in details….

1. We begin this Newscast once again in Calgary…

The City of Calgary clears up rumours about COVID-19 public health order enforcement.

The City of Calgary says…

➡ We do not check the registration on cars outside of homes to ensure that everyone lives at that address, nor do we look inside of homes to monitor your activity.
➡ The Calgary Police Service is not stopping vehicles to hand out tickets to people carpooling from different households.

We’re here to help, not to punish. We continue to prioritize enforcement at events that create the greatest risk to the public, including large protests. Our focus is and will continue to be on large super-spreader events as this is the most effective use of our enforcement resources.

Those who are blatantly violating the orders or bylaws will be ticketed.

Due to safety concerns for both law enforcement and members of the community, it is not always sensible to issue a ticket at the time of an alleged offence; for example, during a protest or event where emotions are high. In many instances, tickets are issued in the hours or days after an infraction based on evidence obtained at the time of the event.

We have also heard some concerns about overcrowding in large retail facilities, like shopping malls, and want to reassure you that we review all concerns in a timely manner. We will continue to respond to capacity issues heard through 311.

For many, the holidays will look a lot different this year, but we need to encourage you to follow the provincial health orders to keep each other safe.

2. In Edmonton, to help shine a light on ways in which Edmontonians can find meaning and connection in their lives, the City and Edmonton Public Library will be profiling and showcasing hopeful messages, discussions and more in the coming days and weeks! Stay tuned! Listen and watch Councillor Scott McKeen introduce the upcoming series, “Random Acts of Connection”.

3. This week for AC Awards, we’re celebrating 3 successful Entrepreneur of the Year Award recipients – Ali in Edmonton, Neva in Calgary, and Hanna in Red Deer….

4. This week Fashion of the Week

There’s colour and beauty in the horizon this holidays. A colourful eye-catching men tie set will not be a bad idea for a present this holidays. A hand crafted African wax print or ankara. A high quality set of tie, bowtie, and pocket square to compliment an outfit. The set comes elegantly wrapped with a bow which makes it the perfect gift for this holiday season. A beautiful present for the holidays –  For more information, please go to kynapparel.ca

5. Our Diversity profile for this week is the fantastic story of Calgary based singer, Arlene Meredith who surprisingly got more busy during this COVID-19 period.

6. Coronavirus Project Cool Times: If you are feeling sick or have any symptoms related to COVID-19, stay home. There’s support if you need to stay at home while you are sick or are in isolation due to COVID-19. The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit provides $500 per week for up to a maximum of two weeks, for workers who are sick or need to self-isolate due to COVID-19, or have an underlying health condition that puts them at greater risk of getting COVID-19. The Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit also provides $500 per week for up to 26 weeks per household for parents who need to care for a child who is sick or because schools, day-cares or care facilities are closed due to COVID-19.

7. Christmas parties can be celebrated virtually to avoid community spread of COVID-19 and of course heavy fines from the authorities. The Sierra Leone community celebrated their Christmas party on Zoom last Sunday to so much fun.

8. In Diversity TV International News, the Russian COVID-19 Vaccine, Sputnik V, and the Chinese Sinovac, are becoming the vaccine sources for poorer countries as the western vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, have not only been priced out of the reach of the poor countries but have been bought by the rich countries such that some countries have ordered vaccines that can vaccinate their populations over three times. In another news, a new variant of COVID-19 which spreads faster, has been detected in the UK and South Africa, leading to travel bans from these countries by some nations including Canada.

9. New in Edmonton- Silasi’s Grill multicultural restaurant. Serves western, Chinese, and African food. Opened just a month ago opposite Stadium, on 8604 112 Avenue Edmonton with a large parking, a bar, large dining space, private meeting room, and most importantly, delicious food.

Thank you for watching Diversity TV Community Newscast from Harriet Tinka, see you next week.