She looks elegant but that did not stopped her from sending out her resume 75 times without a reply when she moved to Edmonton in 2017. It was until Sehaj Kaur Bhullar met Tarek Fathelbab, Manager for Community Engagement at Bredin Centre for Learning who told her of a job opening. “That is how I got my job and today, I still volunteer at the Millwoods Seniors Centre as a way to give back…,” Sehaj told Diversity Magazine on September 13, 2019, at the Santa Maria Goretti Centre in Edmonton during the Bredin Centre for Learning organized, “1-Step Settlement Program New Beginnings Digital Storytelling”.

Michael Sabom, dressed in a colourful cultural outfit from the Northwest Region of Cameroon has a similar story to share with Diversity Magazine. “…nobody was there to direct me. I was almost lost before my friend Sam wrote the name Bredin Centre for Learning on a piece of paper and directed me to go there…”. Michael came to Edmonton in February, 2019, from Cameroon. With the guidance of Bredin Centre, he has made inroads in the job market. First with survival jobs, and now headed to his dream jobs. An excited Michael could not stop talking about the support he got from Bredin Centre, “…at Bredin Centre, I met the right people, from the Reception to the Career Councillors. They helped me with my resume and prepared me for interviews”. He reaffirms, “…now I’m bold”. Michael concluded, “…I went to so many places but Bredin was the key to open the door for me. They gave me the Canadian experience”.

The fun at Bredin Centre helping Edmontonians, both new and old, who need help with lifting themselves off the ground in any career choice has kept Maria Lewin, Manager for Settlement Program, for 20 years working with the organization and helping to put together such an inspiring digital story sharing event. However, this digital storytelling event was different from the last two that Diversity Magazine covered. Tarek explains, “…this year, we also try to raise awareness on the importance of diversity and inclusion…”

This diversity and inclusion aspect of the event was demonstrated by a frank but insightful presentation from Erin Wagh, Lead Diversity and Inclusion Consultant at the Colbourne Institute for Inclusive Leadership, at Norquest College in Edmonton. Erin highlighted that inclusion is accepting and celebrating the our uniqueness. He thanked the newcomers for choosing Canada. The Norquest Consultant mentioned the challenges of being inclusive in a country but also admitted his own privileges as someone born in Edmonton, “…I have a lot of privileges…I was born in Canada, my first language English, that is like winning a lottery. Also I have white skin and no visible disabilities…”

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