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Unsung Hero Award – Gizzie Arku
I have been part of the growth of my community through volunteering. I have represented my community at the heritage festival for four appearances and in those appearances we have been able to win twice best food categories. I also continue to serve in various like committees within my community to help move forward.
I also volunteers this year at Afro-fest to promote the act of volunteering to my fellow volunteers in my community as well. So, this is why I deserve to nominate myself as a leader of community of the year. And if anyone else nominate me from now on, those act of volunteering will be the reason why anyone will nominate me. Thanks for your understanding.
Unsung Hero Award – Rachel Fallah
“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. ” Proverbs 22:29.
Rachel Fallah is the Unsung Hero whose recognition is well overdue! Rachel is a people’s person, a genuine supporter of those in need and strong promoter of community business. Rachel never waits to be invited; she jumps in and performs when she realises that her expertise/support would make a difference.
We consider Rachel as one of the bed-rocks of our community. She is always there to welcome Newcomers, direct them to sources of support/help, and establish the necessary networks for them within and outside our community. Rachel takes this as a passion and performs this service without bragging or making any fuss.
At a time when the Sierra Leone Association was dormant, Rachel was one of those concerned community members who took upon themselves to constitute an Interim Executive Committee to keep the association running and to avoid a vacuum in governance. Rachel and her colleagues served voluntarily for eight years before been relieved by the democratically elected executive committee in 2014.
Amidst all these, Rachel served in other administrative capacities including as Chairlady of the Sierra Leone Women Support Group. During her reign, she succeeded in establishing her support group as a formidable partner in community development. She helped build self-esteem in her membership and encouraged volunteerism in community development. For many years, Rachel co-ordinated a programme wherein community members received Christmas Gifts from philanthropists. Even though she is no longer the women leader, Rachel’s passion and enthusiasm for community work is still alive and kicking and does not seem to be diminishing at all. My memories run to her various roles such as leading praise and worship in vigils, giving keynote addresses, serving as MCs, and being an out-spoken political advocate.
Judges: With passion, I do hereby nominate Rachel Fallah for the Unsung Hero Award. Thank.
Unsung Hero Award – Anane Dabala
Anane Dabala is a Settlement Community navigator at Action for Healthy Communities to connect with fellow new newcomers support a job club we collaboratively created with her to help newcomers get jobs. From our perspective she is has created and maintains the project with weekly support from our Employment Specialist, but mostly she defines and sets the content and largely delivers it.
From the perspective of people she supports, they know she will do whatever is necessary to help them get first jobs, but also to get better jobs and to recognize and plan to work on new skills necessary to build Canadian careers. From my perspective as a supporter of community-based empowerment I have never met anyone as ferociously committed to helping people grow and develop.
It is a real privilege to work with her and help her become more deeply a part of our city and to watch her take on new skills, ideas and abilities. If, as part of the selection process for the AC Award “Professional of the Year” there is anything else you’d like to know about Anane, please let me know, I’d be more than happy to oblige.
Unsung Hero Award – Althea CLARKE/ Powell |

Althea Clarke is currently the Producer and TV Host of ‘’Island Tea with Althea’’, which airs weekly on Omni Rogers Network. She features interviews with prominent people in the community on her show, which is broadcast throughout Canada. Recently, Althea was recommended by the former Minister of Culture and Tourism, Ricardo Miranda, to run for MLA, MP in the Calgary Frost Lawn District.
Ms. Clarke’s family emigrated to Canada from Jamaica when she was 8 years old. According to Althea, moving to a new country was one of the most difficult challenges that she has ever experienced. Growing up in Calgary, Alberta, she attended the St. Martha Elementary and the Father Lacombe High schools. Later, Althea earned a certificate in business operations from DeVry Institute of Technology and a certificate in business operation from the Career College. Althea managed operated her own salon business in Calgary, Differenz Trenz, for 15 years.
While working at her salon, she obtained her Journeyman’s license in hairstyling. Over the years, Althea has also done volunteer work for various community organizations and causes. Additionally, she has authored and published a Biographical book, ‘’Removing the Mask’’ and was a contributing author for another book, ”I Am A Brilliant Woman-Volume 3”. Her personal passion is to help mend issues of separation and lack of compassion within our communities and to promote unity and self-love. Over the years, Althea has also done volunteer work for various community, The Woman Homeless Shelter , Black History Month , Calgary Stampede Preludes Parade by organize cultural events.
Unsung Hero Award – Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox volunteers in a lot of capacities to bring awareness to our communities and the people within. Her aim is to deliver actionable information to us for the purpose of keeping us informed on our options and helping us better take care of ourselves and our families. She works tirelessly organizing and participating in several events that bring much needed information to our communities. She gets very little for what she gives but seems undeterred as she is committed to improving the lives of those in our community.
Unsung Hero Award – Masani St. Rose
I am the owner of an established business, Masani Consulting Services, running in Alberta for the last 19 years that promotes leadership, community building and healing through African-inspired movement. I specialize in dance from the Caribbean as well as dance from Guinea and Senegal.
The most recent project that I have undertaken is bringing Canadian families who have adopted children from Caribbean and African countries together using dancing and drumming as a cultural experience. My goal is to get people moving from soul to sole!
Unsung Hero Award – Ashford Baker
Ashford is always out in the community being a positive person helping people and doing various activities with them. He works with the young and the old and just enjoys giving back. Even with his business, he gives more then he gets back.
Unsung Hero Award – Susan Jennifer Cambridge
Susan was born in Trinidad and Tobago and is a Caribbean girl as she likes to be called.
She migrated to Canada in 2012 and has since made Lloydminster her home. Susan is happily married and lives with her husband Dan, her three daughters and her step- daughter. A healthy family lifestyle is important to Susan as she thrives for balance whilst at work, volunteering, making a happy home, networking and keeping the sparks in her recent marriage of 4 years.
Prior to arriving in Canada Susan’s professional experience spans from 10 years in the Airline Industry, over 15 years in Broadcasting, 5 years in the Advertising Industry, 14 years as a Certified Event Manager, and 5 years as Manager of her own production company.
In Lloydminster, Susan took the challenge of adjusting and sought employment opportunities at Servus Credit Union, the then Source Newspaper, the Chamber of Commerce, and pursued studies and became a licensed Insurance Broker with Western Financial Group. Susan is the Business Owner/CEO of CAS Events Consultancy Ltd. Creative and Savvy is her motto. Susan is offering her services as an Event Planner, Consultant, and Event Host.
She currently volunteers at Catholic Services as part of the planning committee for events and offers her skills as Master of Ceremonies for their events as well as met with groups of families and gave tips for fun ways to study for the citizenship exam. She has also offered time at the Learning Resource Council as an English Tutor to which she goes the extra mile in sharing her experiences with newcomers and giving words of encouragement and hope. Susan holds value to personal development and as such believes in using this to make a difference for immigrants who have chosen to settle in Lloydminster. As such she sits as a committee member on the advisory council of the Lloydminster Immigration Partnership Program. In this capacity she offers suggestions, participates in surveys, supports the initiatives and helps in other ways that she can.
Living in a Border City Susan has sought new friendships and has networked with Africa Center, Edmonton, and is currently a Board member on the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
In October 2017 Susan and her children became Canadian Citizens.
Multi-culturalism, socializing in cultural events, being creative, and fashion are just a few things that Susan is quite passionate about so it’s no surprise she is now the founder and President of the International Festivals Lloydminster Society. “Lloydfest2019” was her new project under this non-profit umbrella and the 2 days evet was held on August 24 and 25, with resounding success.
Following the 2 days of Lloydfest2019, reviews from the local newspaper, the Meridian Source r read, “Lloydfest bursts into colour”, and indeed it was quite colourful as it was diverse in representation with over 15 different cultures supporting Susan on this venture. It was very well attended by the members of the community giving high ratings with an encore for expectations of 2020.
Susan’s vision for Lloydfest was a passion of hers in the making 2 years previously. This is an event that seeks to showcase Lloydminster’s rich diverse heritage through art, craft, food, poetry, music, traditional wear, performances and local talent. This was a huge undertaking for Susan given that this type of event was first for Lloydminster and for the participating countries.
Susan believes that Lloydminster is rich in diversity but with inclusion through events like Lloydfest is takes the richness to another level.
Unsung Hero Award – Danielle Brown-Myrie
I deserve this award because I have shown the community not only am I a promoter. But I also do other great things in the community.
I have helped out many people in the community put together different events each year.