On November 23, 2019, Diversity Magazine visited the University of Alberta, St. Jean Campus of the University of Alberta, where the Alliance Jeunesse-Famille de l’Alberta Society (AJFAS) organized in collaboration with Alberta Children’s Services, a community forum aimed at educating community members about the Child, Youth, and Family Services Improvement Act.
The objectives of the Forum were to increase awareness about children’s practices and values, to bridge the information gap between children’s services and Francophone immigrant and refugee families.
Two areas of connection: Relational and Cultural were chosen to be the focus areas at the community Forum to create a clear foundation for understanding and facilitate a common basis for discussion.
Relational: a lasting bond with family, friends, caregivers and significant people; who provides a sense of belonging, unconditional love, acceptance and a trusted person that is needed.
Cultural: Participation and connection to ancestral history – language, religion, customs, beliefs, systems, social roles and celebrations and / or place of birth that promotes a strong sense of identity, provides better self-esteem.
There were four presentations:
Theme 1: ” Problems Faced by Children, Youth and Families of Francophone Immigrants in Alberta “, by Mr. Alfred Lukhanda, Jurist and philosopher by training, he teaches law, philosophy and bioethics at the Saint-Jean Campus of the University of Alberta. He is a member of Groupe de Recherche Che en Interculturalité et Immigration (GRITI).
Theme 2: “Legislation – An Act to improve services for children, youth and families”, by David Evans is Public Affairs Officer, Communication & Support Services, Children’s Services – Edmonton Region
Theme 3: Let us learn about “The Child At Risk Response Team (CARRT), a partnership between the Edmonton Police Service and Children’s Services”, by the Cst. Jennifer Shewaga and Kerry Watt, members of the CARRT Team.
Theme 4: “Presentation by Dr. Yvonne Chiu, Managing Director, MHBC Ltd.of Multicultural Health Brokers – Coop Lted”, on Building capacities for health and well-being to support immigrant families in crisis relationship”
Mr. Luketa M’Pindou, Executive Director of AJFAS and David Evans, Public Affairs Officer for Children’s Services in the Edmonton area, had the opportunity to speak to Diversity Magazine about the event.
“… An opportunity to learn from each other and improve relationships with the community…”, said David Evans, Public Affairs Officer for Children’s Services in the Edmonton area.
“… An excellent opportunity for our organization to build a relationship and for our members to learn about the Child, Youth and Family Services Improvement Act…”, added Luketa M’Pindou, Executive Director of AJFAS