“…your elders are keepers of knowledge, they share their knowledge for free with their community for the good of their community…We have a lot to learn from you…old white guys too are keepers of knowledge but choose to sell it through presentations, speaking engagements, books…, while you guys give it for free. The old white guys use their privilege to protect their privilege…they think only about themselves and now…,” Michael Gottheil, Chief of Commission and Tribunals for Alberta Human Rights Commission shared with the audience at the event when he took to the stage.
One of the performers, Bobby Hunter, talked on indigenous hospitality when he was on stage, in between his performance, “…we’re very accepting…we are very open arms, welcoming of other cultures. Our people are not about me, we’re about us, our community…”
On September 21, 2019, Creating Hope Society at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre, put together an inspiring event called, Stories from Edmonton, an Indigenous Gathering.
The event had an exciting line up, opening up with an indigenous sacred prayer ceremony, followed by the Grand Entry, speeches and performances. It was a day of learning and entertainment featuring diverse voices from the land we know as Edmonton, known in the beautiful Cree language as Amiskwaciwâskahikan.
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