On June 2, at the Holiday Inn & Suites in Calgary, Aquinas College organized a Father’s Day celebration to honor fathers.

The event began with the launch of the Albertans Mindfulness Society, introduced by Dr. Annaliza Sta. Ana and Mr. Romeo Honorio. The society’s mission is to promote mental health awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues by providing education, safe spaces, and resources to all Albertans. Their vision is a mentally healthy and stigma-free Alberta where individuals of all ages and backgrounds can openly discuss and address mental health issues.

Following this, various speakers from the beauty, health, and wellness industries offered advice to the fathers in attendance. They emphasized the importance of authenticity, redefining good physical and mental health, and breaking stigmas about masculinity, such as the ideas that real men don’t cry, shouldn’t ask for help, shouldn’t show emotions, shouldn’t admit when they are wrong, and shouldn’t show vulnerability.

At the end of the event, Aquinas College recognized every father and the various speakers present by giving them symbolic gifts.