“…not being racist is not good enough….we must be anti-racist…”

Mayor Iveson hit home a message of hope and commitment, saying it’s not good enough to not be racist but we must be actively anti-racist. He added that the Black Community has allies at City Hall and they have charged the City of Edmonton Anti-Racism Advisory Committee to come up with proposals not just to enhance public safety but also with respect to hiring practices in the City of Edmonton.

It was a great turnout on Google Meetup for the official launch of Black History Month in the Francophone Community in Edmonton on February 5, 2021, organized by AJFAS, La FRAP, and Conseil Scolaire Centre Nord in Edmonton.

The Alberta NDP and UCP MLAs brought messages from their respective political parties, auditioning their use of the French language, sandwiched by some cool music, inspiring some much needed moves.