Diversity TV Community Newscast

Hosted by Rayyah Sempala and Harriet Tinka.

Here are your headlines…

Alberta’s Premier, Jason Kenney came under fire this week after comments he made of the growing cases of COVID-19 in North East Calgary.

Meet Jeanne Lehman, AC Awards 2020 Community Leader of the Year….

In a COVID-19 ravaged world, a vaccine is now a reality…

Now the news in detail with Rayyah Sempala….

1. We begin this Newscast in Calgary… It’s now easier to support local Calgary businesses with curbside pickup or delivery. In partnership with Calgary Parking Authority, the City of Calgary is providing 15 minutes of free on-street parking in Calgary’s Business Improvement Areas and Business Revitalization Zones until Jan. 31.

Start a session using the MyParking app, Call to Park or Text to Park. You can also register at a ParkPlus pay machine. Learn more at calgaryparking.com.

2. Despite mandatory mask wearing rules in place in Edmonton and Calgary imposed by Premier Kenney, hundreds of people, clustered together without mask chanting “no more mask” as they take over the streets of Downtown Calgary, protesting new rules making mask mandatory. They were neither fined nor criticized by Premier Jason Kenney who instead took to the radio to blame minority communities in NE Calgary and threaten them with fines. If this sounds like double standards, then it is as community leaders in North East Calgary like Ward 5 councilor George Chahal called for an apology.

3. In Edmonton…. You often see the High Level Bridge lights up differently every night. This is in celebration of something special in Edmonton. This week here are the celebrations. Nov 30, blue for Stomach Cancer Awareness Day Dec 1, red for United Way Giving Tuesday Dec 3, blue/orange/pink/green for International Day of Persons with Disabilities Dec 4, red for the YWCA Rose Campaign You too can light up the bridge at edmonton.ca/lightthebridge

4. Jeanne Lehman, 1 of 3 Community Leaders of the Year 2020 is celebrated for her incredible work in Black Women empowerment in Alberta, through the nonprofit she founded just over a year ago – BCW in Action. Let’s hear from Jeanne Lehman.

5. This week Fashion of the Week It’s colourful. It’s eye-catching. Some beautiful handbags you imagine – KYN Apparel Géraldine Envelop Clutch with chain strap. Made with specially chosen vibrant African wax print to make you stand out, this multicoloured handy bag will complement most outfits. You can even use it to carry/store small electronics like tablets. For more information, please go to kynapparel.ca

6. Our Diversity profile for this week is the wonderful story of Ping Ping Lee, who started by helping community members with their English and today has grown into a successful college, creating jobs and training newcomers in programs that leads to jobs – Solomon College. Coronavirus Project Cool times:

7. Despite new measures in place, Alberta still recorded about 7,000 new COVID-19 cases this week. As a consequence of the rising cases of COVID-19 in Alberta, the government announced a State of Public Emergency for the next 3 weeks, placing a ban on social gatherings, outdoor gathering limited to a maximum of 10. Church gatherings are limited to a third of normal capacity with mandatory masking. Funeral and wedding limited to 10 people. Banquet halls, community centres closed. Retail limited to 25% capacity. Hotels, personal services, barber shops, and beauty shops are limited to appointments only. Workers who can work at home should do so. Grade 7-12 students move to home schooling from November 30. January 11, 2021 next school opening after 1 more week of Winter Break. Mask is mandatory for all indoor workplaces in Edmonton and Calgary and surrounding communities. Fines go up to $1,000. For more information, please go to www.alberta.ca/COVID19

8. COVID-19 has disproportionately affected the poor because they are the ones on the frontlines defending all of us. Cudos to all our brothers and sisters on the frontline. Most of this frontline workers are minorities doing jobs in warehouses, distribution centres, public transit, grocery stores, nursing homes, cleaning, public transit workers, and in hospitals. COVID-19 cases in Calgary’s northeast is the highest in the province. This could be any of our communities as we all do the same jobs, as such, we all have to be responsible and educate our communities in a language they understand as it appears no one will do it for us. In Diversity TV International News…

9. Britain becomes the first country to approve the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine hoping to start roll out next week with the most vulnerable. This has mounted pressure on Canada and other countries even though the approval was speedy. Canada has pre-ordered 20 Million doses of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

10. China becomes the third country to land an probe on the moon to collect lunar soil samples and bring back to Earth.

Thank you for watching Diversity TV Community Newscast and from Rayyah Sempala and Harriet Tinka, see you next week.