Diversity Community Newscast for November 20, 2020

Hosted by Rayyah Sempala and Harriet Tinka.

Here are your headlines…

After a series of community-led sessions, what is EPS hearing from the community…

Alberta NDP Opposition Leader, Rachel Notley, shares her vision of Alberta and how multicultural communities fit in it…

In a tough COVID-environment where kids struggle with online and in-person learning, the Sierra Leone Community of Edmonton steps in to help….

The City of Calgary uses its innovation week to lift up its entrepreneurial spirit…

Now the news in detail with Rayyah Sempala….

The Alberta NDP Official Opposition Leader, Rachel Notley

1. On November 17, the Alberta NDP Opposition held a round table with multicultural media in Edmonton. Diversity TV wanted to know the NDP’s plan for the future and how they will engage multicultural communities. The Alberta NDP Official Opposition Leader, Rachel Notley shares her vision with us.

Sinkunia Community Development Society hands out tablets to 11 of its Youth Ambassadors

2. Sinkunia Community Development Society hands out tablets to 11 of its Youth Ambassadors at a low key event at their office.

Edmonton Police Chief, Dale McFee, at their new TD Tower Office

3. Edmonton Police Service (EPS) starts matching words with action as the recent graduating class of 30 officers comprises 5 women, 3 indigenous, the highest ever, 7 officers born out of Canada, collectively speaking 9 languages. EPS Commitment to listen, build, repair, and strengthen relationships, to ensure and create the space that enables them to hear directly from multicultural communities on their experiences with policing, and ideas moving forward through community led sessions, throughout the city. The next session is on November 24th and have been moved online due to COVID-19 restrictions December 8th session is at the Orange Hub and might also be moved online. EPS says Sessions may move online to ZOOM pending COVID-19 safety precautions. To register for a session, please go to On November 18, Diversity TV connected with the Edmonton Police Chief, Dale McFee, at their new TD Tower Office, to get updates on these sessions so far. We want to know what EPS is hearing from the community and what the information will be used for.

4. COVID-19 Guidelines from the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw on the swelling cases of COVID-19 in Alberta is the same: Alberta is seeing a large portion of transmissions. Protect those around you. If you’re sick with even mild symptoms, isolate in a separate room, use a different bathroom and bedroom if possible. Wear a mask and disinfect surfaces after using them. Don’t share meals. COVID-19 Updates from the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw on the rising cases of COVID-19 in Alberta. Only in the Edmonton area, Calgary area, Grande Prairie, Fort McMurray, Red Deer, and Lethbridge, have a temporary ban on indoor group fitness classes, team sport activities and group performance activities from Nov. 13-27.

5. Our Diversity profile for this week is the impressive story of Regina Oluwadairo, from her Basement in Calgary to 4 Prime Retail Locations in Calgary. Just listen to Regina for yourself.

6. It’s winter, let’s dress warm with our Dress of the Week: KYN Apparel provides a beautiful blend of tweed and African wax print to keep warm in style. One of a kind limited edition. Comes with a complementary reusable matching face mask, check it out at

7. The Sierra Leone Association of Alberta supports community members with online learning in a period where students struggle between online and in-person learning. Diversity TV the witnessed the handing out by the Program Coordinator and a recipient of one of the 30 laptops that was handed out to students in their community.

8. On November 14, Alberta joined in celebrating the Indian festival of light, Diwali. Diwali or Deepavali or Divali is a festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs. The festival usually lasts for five days and celebrated during the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika between mid-October and mid-November. It’s one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, symbolizing the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance”.

9. This week is Métis Week. Métis Week is held annually in Alberta in connection with Louis Riel Day, November 16. The Metis Community in Alberta are organizing from November 15 to 21 to celebrates the culture, history and contributions of Métis people to Alberta and Canada.

10. The City of Calgary uses innovation week to encourage starting a business. In partnership with Startup Calgary, the 3rd Innovation Week helps to shine the city’s entrepreneurial spirit. If you’re looking to start a business in Calgary, you can get help by visiting for resources, licensing, permit information and more. If you have questions, you can use the online live chat or call 403-268-5311.

11. Before the announcement, the Honorable Minister could not resist the urge to let arrogance and politics poke their ugly face in such a historic announcement. He could not finish the announcement without rubbing it on the face of his NDP predecessors, arrogantly pointing a finger at the former NDP Justice Minister for not taking action on this issue while in government.

“…I am proud to announce that the Alberta Government is banning the police practice of carding immediately and creating new rules on the use of street checks…,” Minister Madu announced.

Thank you for watching Diversity TV Community Newscast and from Rayyah Sempala and Harriet Tinka, see you next week