Click Here for Diversity Online August 21, 2020
President Obama was told that winning the election is like tossing a coin.
Award winning singer, Shakira Ripoll was told that she sings like a goat by her classmates in elementary school.
Steve Jobs says don’t let the voices from outside drown your inner voice.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to share with you our Diversity Magazine Print, Summer Edition, dedicated to George Floyd and all those who died from the dreaded Coronavirus.
Those who dared to dream, we have your stories packaged in 20K copies to be distributed in Edmonton, Red Deer and Calgary, and those still working on sharing your dreams with the world, call 780.709.0965, and let’s get you in the upcoming Winter Edition of our premium platform, Diversity Magazine Print, Winter Edition.
Thank you for being part of Diversity Magazine over 60K audience on all platforms. Should you have any question on how to harness our massive multicultural reach across Alberta, or want to enjoy the rich multicultural content of Diversity Magazine Print, Summer Edition, past editions, and our upcoming Diversity TV, please do not hesitate to call 780.709.0965 or go to