Her son loves dinosaurs and she’d take him to a dinosaur paradise near our fantastic city of Edmonton…they are not life dinosaurs but they do make noises…

A very good morning to you all. It’s another Saturday, well not the best weather for outdoors, but we must still share with you, as always, on all Diversity Magazine platforms, places to visit, especially as there are no physical events taking place that we can recommend.

Today we’re happy to share a memorable experience, a dinosaurous one to a place her son loves the most. A supporter of Diversity Magazine, Nancy Brima-okot, a community member is happy to share her experiences and photos with our audience on a trip to the Jurassic Forest.

Please feel free to share memorable places that you have visited that you want us to share with our lovely audience on all Diversity Magazine platforms.

The Jurassic Forest is a seasonal tourist attraction located on Highway 28 just north of Gibbons, Alberta, Canada. It is about 25 minutes drive from Edmonton.

The facility is situated in a mature boreal forest setting and features more than 40 animatronic dinosaurs in their natural habitat.

Not the best weather today but any other day, get your tickets, get out there, learn and enjoy everything there’s about dinosaurs. Kids adore dinosaurs. A combination of 40-acre of nature, spiced with life-size dinosaurs is as close to kids and adult paradise as you can get in one place.

A bonus for you this weekend, yesterday, the City of Edmonton re-opened playgrounds, skateparks, tennis, pickleball, volleyball, basketball courts, disc golf, and athletic tracks. You might want to check them out. However, social distancing rules apply.

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Stay tuned to Diversity Magazine daily updates on all platforms and also on www.diversitymag.ca

Sunday May 24, 2020

Eid Mubarak – Happy Eid from Team Diversity Magazine!

Diversity Magazine Sunday Special: We’ve all yield to the authority of the Chief Medical Officer during this period of the Coronavirus to stay safe and keep others safe. In the same light, we are called to the Devine authority of Jesus Christ…two requirements- the acceptance of his teachings and authority and readiness to be sent to teach – Inspired by Archbishop Richard W. Smith of Edmonton, during the 10:30 mass at the Basilica on May 24, 2020.

Diversity Magazine Sunday Special: You are Entitled Full Access to God’s Power. The Sacrifice of Jesus-Christ is a demonstration that God is for us. We were under the condemnation of God’s Justice. We ought that Justice something we could not afford; hence we were deprived access to abundant-perfect Power; through Christ-Sacrifice, Justice was fully served; condemnation and judgement against you stand no more. You are now entitled full access to God’s Power – Pastor Samy Mukadi.

With a lofty goal to end hunger in the Mill Woods neighbourhood of Edmonton, they have been raising funds to provide food to people in need during this period of Coronavirus pandemic.
Organizers told Diversity Magazine that 3,600 meals have already been handed out by the Edmonton nonprofit, Green Scholars of Alberta and still going daily at no cost.
They added that with just a text message to 780.966.3121 before 4PM, you are good to pickup your food at Dil-E-Punjab restaurant on 1531 Mill Woods Road, Mill Woods, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
On May 24, 2020, founders and organizers; Varinder Bhullar, Jagdeep Bassi, and Anuvir Bhullar, decided to compensate Edmontonians for missing out on all major celebrations by giving out 5,000 meals to those in need at the parking lot of Dil-E-Punjab restaurant.
“…I got a sense that people were sleeping hungry…,” Varinder Bhullar shared with Diversity Magazine in a video interview.
The organization will continue to give out free food till the end of the pandemic, Varinder Bhullar added in the video interview.