“The public hearing and Council discussions have been emotional. I can tell you that at times, some of the comments have landed really close to home…”

Mayor Iveson commented on the motion to tackle systemic racism in Edmonton after amending the motion that have over 140 Edmontonians share their views in person during the hearings.

The amendments ignored the City’s own systemic racism, minorities not appointed to top management positions or on committees and on Boards, empowerment of vulnerable communities and economic support for these communities to help bridge the economic divide.

Here is Mayor Iveson in his own words,

“I am also pleased to see that my amendment to add some specificity around how we’ll spend the $11 million will be considered on Thursday — I suggested more permanent supportive housing, aligned with our goal to End Homelessness, to alleviate the strain on our health care, social services and policing systems.

In addition to these budget considerations, this motion also makes a number of recommendations and changes that we hope will help enhance accountability in the way police will interact with racialized and/or vulnerable people. This includes reporting back on the recommendations in the City’s Street Checks Police and Practice review report by October 2020, instructing the Commission to work with administration to determine how calls driven by mental health, addictions, homelessness or other social and public health factors can be better responded to by partners through interagency partnerships without police intervention”.

My question of the day is, what do you want to see added in the motion to help tackle systemic racism in Edmonton?

Have a very good day and stay turned to Diversity Flash for July 2, 2020, and a video summary at the end of the day on Diversity TV on Facebook, and Diversity TV YouTube Channel as we sail through another promising day in Edmonton and Calgary.

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