Patrice N Gaheshi
I am a happily married husband and a father of two daughters. I am also a co-owner with my wife of MJ’S African Food store that serves the community by selling East African specialty groceries in Calgary and beyond.
Under my leadership together with a dedicated team, Burundian Community Association of Calgary was started and legally registered in Alberta. This association will bring Burundians together to celebrate and advance socio-economic and culture of their community in Calgary and surrounding areas

Gilbert DeCourcey Weekes
I am the owner of Yanagil Management Ltd., which is a visible minority company owned in Fort McMurray Alberta. My wife and I as owners, have dedicated our time and resources to serrving the visible minority groups here in Fort McMurray through sponsorships primarily to the Rehoboth Alliance, Fort McMurray Nigerian Association, The Fort McMurray SPCA, Keyano College and other Groups.
We Also developed the Yanagil Education and Development Fund, whose primary goal is to fund people of colour to further their education and also provide mentorship both to students and up and coming balack entrepreneurs.

Fahad Khan
A visionary entrepreneur,philanthropist and business strategist who is the founder of Canada Prime Immigration and Marketing ,one of the fastest growing companies in Canada .
His company had the privilege of partnering with FORTUNE 500 Companies. He is an International speaker.
A Certified Life coach by Brian Tracy and Platinum partner with Tony Robbins. He was featured in Forbes 20 under 30. Declared as the brand ambassador of NAIT University

Paul Rovin Ngemital
Because there’s nothing like family
Giving our children the best education in the world is the only heritage that can lead to the best Future.

Kazir Coulibaly
Kazir Coulibaly is an Economic Development Manager and Entrepreneurship at Conseil de Développement Économique de l’Alberta (CDÉA), Senior Manager at G-MINA Enterprises and the President of Communauté Ivoiro-Canadienne d’Edmonton.
He has been working closely in the business field and community development for over 15 years. Married with three children, Kazir still finds time for his family, a source of motivation and hope, despite the time given to professional and community.

Dr Jag Anand
Dr. Jag Anand doesn’t know life beyond patient care and community service. He is a complete workaholic who neglects his own health, family life & finances to go above and beyond with every patient.
Besides excellent patient care, he spends his remaining time educating people about diabetes, Covid, general health, and eye-related concerns.
This Father Day I want to nominate this humanitarian, yet inspirational soul, a daughter’s first love- a man who has only given to the world without expecting anything in return.

Ashit Aranha
A management graduate by education, a caterer by profession and a volunteer ny passion is how I can describe myself in a nutshell.
Been in calgary for over 10 years and as a first gen immigrant from India we were just a family of 3. Today have more than 1000 people who are my best friends and extended family.
I’m proud to be an active volunteer at foodbank, habitat for humanity, dropin centre and the church. Calgary has taught me a valuable lesson, the more I give back to community, the more I’ve been blessed.

Oluwafemi Babalola
Well, I am a biological father of three girls and also very importantly, I am a servant of God which make me a father figure to many other children in the household of God.
I am a professional Dentist and a business owner which give me the opportunity to care for many children and be a role model to children.
I also have a number of foreign trained Dentists in observer-ship programme that are in the process of entering into the practice of dentistry in Canada

Rory O’Hearn
My name is Rory O’Hearn. I am a teacher with the Fort McMurray Catholic School Board and a very active member of our community.
I am the founder of Waves Music and I have been a co-founder of Balance Sports.
I am also a member of the Board of Directors of the Mandla’s Foundation and I am involved in several events in our community.
It has been a pleasure to be involved with the incredible people here in Fort McMurray, and due to the remoteness and lack of resources here for kids, I have found it essential to give back through coaching and mentoring the youth, and being involved to support community events. I want the youth the have the same opportunities I had growing up.

Dr. Abu Conteh
Dr. Abu Conteh serves in several Leadership capacities, supporting those in need as well as contributing to Human Resource Development and community building.
As an Environmental Biologist, Dr. Conteh has been serviing as a university lecturer for over 26 years. He is the current President of The Sierra Leone Association of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Conteh was voted into office on a 14 Points Platform, most of which have been accomplished or are ongoing. He has secured grants from various levels of government (Municipal, Provincial, Federal) to support his community members in various aspects including provision of Food Hampers, Sanitary Items, Gift Cards, computers for seniors and youths, Youth Mehtorship, a community vehicle, audio-visual equipment and more.
Dr. Conteh is also the Board President of The Edmonton Multicultural Coalition. He supports communities in various socio-cultural activities and religious rites.

Charles Buchanan
CEO of Technology Helps. Besides being a great father to two girls, Charles is one of a handful of Afro-Caribean CEO’s in the tech industry.
Charles left a lucrative career in Oil and Gas to start a social enterprise dedicated to helping non-profits escape technology poverty. His impact has been tremendous, including serving over 200 non-profits nationally and providing world-class IT support to over 50 non-profits in Calgary.
He is a dedicated community leader who volunteers his time with many non-profits in Calgary. He can be seen at many non-profit tables and providing free advice and incredible value to the industry

Jack Wheeler
Being a small business owner in the fitness industry in 2020 and 2021 was a tough one to say the least. However, even with all the ups and downs and restrictions imposed both our businesses were able to pivot and not just survive the shutdowns but grow.
Our team is expanding, our clientele is getting great results and we were even able to give back to our community with over $12000 donated to Alberta charities in the last 12 months.

Conrad Aglah
Well not sure what to say but a father is a father not only because he has biological offsprings but he is a father because he fits into and plays that role of a father excellently.
I think being a Father’s Day Pillar is because others have testified that I am one

Issa Kamara
Issa Kamara continue to touch a lot of lives through Sinkunia Community Organization. He is a father to many and work consistent overtime hours for his children’s wellbeing. He is a force to reckon with and a very deserving recipient of this award.

Faraz Raza
“Hi, I’m Faraz Raza. I’ve been in calgary for over 20 years, an immigrant from Pakistan.
I love this country as it treats everyone as equal and gives us endless opportunities.
My passion is plants. I manage a greenhouse 12 months a year. We harvest around 200kg of organic tomatoes, potatoes, fruits, and berries from my garage and basement.
I’m very proud of having a sustainable living and feeding the hungry in the city”.

Erhan Baykotan
He has been serving on the Boards and on the operation side of non profits since 2007 in Calgary and Canada.
He has helped with treasury, event management, volunteer management, board training, non profit organization auditing. He volunteered at Immigrant Services Calgary, immigration legal offices, Rocky Ridge Royal Oak community association, Calgary Catholic Immigrant Society, Common Word Alberta, organizing events for dialogue between different religions and many others.
Earth an got his Board management training from Bow Valley College in Calgary.

Detective Rocky Hanson
Meet a “time philanthropist” – an Edmonton Police Officer who takes volunteering to a whole new level….Some people have lots of money to give, while others have lots of time to donate. Are you a time philanthropist? Do you volunteer? Is there a project or organization that you like what they do and will like to volunteer for them?
Edmonton police officer takes volunteering to a new level and is rewarded for it.
Edmonton Police Service (EPS) Detective Rocky Hanson was named the top Kiwanis Cop for 2020 for his volunteerism working with young Edmonton athletes.

Sharif Haji
Sharif Haji has over a decade of experience in policy and program design, development and implementation.
Before accepting his current role as the Executive Director at the Africa Centre, Mr. Haji had worked with the Ministries of Seniors and Housing as well as Health for over five years. Prior to that, Mr. Haji worked in the non-profit sector locally and internationally.
He worked with Edmonton Multicultural Coalition, the United Way Alberta Capital Region, and World Vision International in different countries.
Educationally, Mr. Haji has a Bachelor of Arts in Health Science and Social Services from the University of South Africa (UNISA), and Master of Public Health in Global Health, from the School of Public Health, University of Alberta. Most importantly, he is a husband and a father of three (two beautiful daughters and a son).

Innovative and results-driven self-starter with broad based and successful experience encompassing fund management, business development, legislative acts and regulations interpretation and application, and visionary leadership on professional and community boards and advisory committees.
25+ years of combined management experience in provincial crown corporations and 4 tech companies, with staff supervisory roles.
Proven track record of impartial decision-making at a senior level related to sensitive and complex issues, and of managing more than $35M industry research grant program funds in public agencies.

Étienne Alary
Étienne Alary est entré en fonctions juillet 2017 en tant que Directeur général chez Conseil de développement économique de l’Alberta. Sa passion et son engagement à servir les communautés francoaphones sont remarquables dans sa mission et son travail de la gestion et de la direction générale des activités du Conseil de développement économique de l’Alberta (CDÉA) dans le but de réaliser la mission et les objectifs de l’organisation tout en mettant en application les politiques et orientations adoptées par le conseil d’administration.

Sheldon Weinrauch
I enjoy being part of my community and take my involvement in our community seriously. I always try to ensure that I am part of any community event that is hosted, either by supporting as a visitor, or in some cases volunteering to help where I can. I also believe that by helping where I can, I hope that I can, in some small way, give back to a city that has given so much to me.

This is the heading
2021 Father’s Day Write-up on Mr. Bayo Oladele
Mr. Bayo Oladele is an IT Security Specialist and a community leader in Calgary, Canada.
In March 2016, he was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, cancer of the plasma cells. He battled the disease with prayers, faith in God, community support and received all the necessary treatments at Tom Baker Cancer Center.
He co-authored the book SECOND CHANCE: Surviving the Battle of Cancer to create awareness on cancer, encourage fighters with hope and victory that we have in our creator.
In 2018, he co-founded The Oladele Foundation with his wife, a Non-Profit Organization in Calgary, Alberta, and the African Cancer Support Group to support African/Caribbean/Black Cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and others going through chronic sicknesses. www.africancancer.ca

Hassan Jama
I was planning to go in and start my visit by asking why he has not been responding to my messages, but I was given the shock of my life when his wife Lula Jama said,“…he’s gone….”On my tour of Edmonton businesses,
I always share recent business news, grants, internships, upcoming loans, and other opportunities for businesses. This time around, top on my agenda was the recent Black Business Loan Fund. At Zuhur Restaurant, as always, fill with bright smiles, his lovely wife, Lula offered me some delicious food and water. I was quick to ask,
“….where’s Hassan…?
To which she replied…,“…he’s gone…”
I jumped in…,
“…I mean your husband…”
she insisted…
,“…he’s dead…!”
…pulling down her mask to clean her tears…
It took her five solid minutes back and forth, to get it into me that my friend has exited this existence, showing me photos of him wrestling the dreaded COVID-19 on a hospital bed.
To say I felt miserable is an understatement as COVID-19 has shown its ugly face once again in a family of some of the nicest friend I have made in my business tours across the province.
Born in Kismayo, Somalia in 1962, and died on May 1, 2021, Hassan has offered a lot to the world.
I told Hassan’s wife, Lula, that I just can’t resist sharing the great loss of this community pillar. Lula, a one of a kind, Iroko-tough woman, a very resilient wife left with three sons, a daughter, many customers, and community supporters to take care of. Well, she’s handling the situation way better than anyone can imagine.
Hassan who always get me to practice my embarrassing French, to refresh memories of his time spent in Cameroon. He never stopped sharing his vision for his restaurant. A kind man with a good sense of humour – one I can hardly say enough about.
He came to Canada in 2005 from the USA to join his wife, Lula Jama.
They opened Zuhur Restaurant on January 1st, 2018. With their fantastic cooking skills, friendly disposition, and business accruement, they have grown the restaurant into one of Edmonton’s unique restaurants.
RIP Hassan!

Ethan Bear
Edmontonians have spoken – No to Racism! The message after indigenous Oilers hockey star, Ethan Bear, from the Ochapowace Nation in Sask, faced racist messages after the Oilers were eliminated by the Winnipeg Jets.