Photo from the Facebook Page of Muslim Association of Canada – Calgary
Eid Ul-Fitr, which refers to “the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan and the start of a feast that lasts up to three days in some [Muslim] countries” is a holiday observed by Muslims world-wide.
Many Muslims celebrate this holiday by coming together to pray, eat and just have fun. In Canada, Eid Ul-Fitr was celebrated nationally in cities with significant Muslim populations such as Calgary, Vancouver, and Toronto. In Calgary specifically, the Muslim Association of Calgary (MAC) organized the Calgary Eid Fest which took place on Saturday June 17th.
The ticketed, family-themed, fun-filled event took place at Edworthy park and featured activities such as, face painting, bouncy castle, bubble soccer, petting zoo, barbecue, and pony rides. The event also featured a bazaar where a number of local Muslim businesses gathered to market and sell their goods, as well as, an inshaad, a religious hymnology that “centers on a religious poem, performed using local musical resources, but not recognized as music” performed by a local munshid (performer of inshaad). Though the majority of the event’s attendees where members of the Muslim Community in Alberta, some local political figures such as, Brian Malkinson (MLA) and David Khan (Alberta Liberal Party Leader) attended it as well.