Newcomer Centre 3rd Annual Multicultural Festival Brings a Taste of Multiculturalism to Edmonton.

The 3rd Annual Multicultural Festival organized by the Newcomer Centre in Edmonton took place on June 26, 2024.

It was an extraordinary celebration of diversity and community spirit. Spanning a full day, the event showcased a rich tapestry of cultures through music, food, and art.

The air was filled with the aromas of global cuisines, as stalls offered delicacies ranging from spicy curries to savory dumplings, satisfying every palate.

Artisans displayed their crafts, like paint on skin, providing a glimpse into the artistic traditions of different cultures.

Interactive workshops allowed participants to share during the different activities, and other cultural practices, fostering understanding and appreciation.

Children engaged in games and activities designed to educate them about diversity and inclusion, promoting a future generation of global citizens.

The festival also featured insightful talks and panel discussions on multiculturalism and social integration, encouraging dialogue among attendees.

The 3rd Annual Multicultural Festival at NewComer Centre was a resounding success, creating lasting memories and reinforcing the importance of embracing cultural diversity in building a strong, unified community.


Newcomer Centre 3rd Annual Multicultural Festival Brings a Taste of Multiculturalism to Edmonton.

The 3rd Annual Multicultural Festival organized by the Newcomer Centre in Edmonton took place on June 26, 2024.

It was an extraordinary celebration of diversity and community spirit. Spanning a full day, the event showcased a rich tapestry of cultures through music, food, and art.

The air was filled with the aromas of global cuisines, as stalls offered delicacies ranging from spicy curries to savory dumplings, satisfying every palate.

Artisans displayed their crafts, like paint on skin, providing a glimpse into the artistic traditions of different cultures.

Interactive workshops allowed participants to share during the different activities, and other cultural practices, fostering understanding and appreciation.

Children engaged in games and activities designed to educate them about diversity and inclusion, promoting a future generation of global citizens.

The festival also featured insightful talks and panel discussions on multiculturalism and social integration, encouraging dialogue among attendees.

The 3rd Annual Multicultural Festival at NewComer Centre was a resounding success, creating lasting memories and reinforcing the importance of embracing cultural diversity in building a strong, unified community.

For more community stories, please go to Diversity Magazine website.


### Le 3ème Festival Annuel Multiculturel du Centre des Nouveaux Arrivants Apporte un Goût de Multiculturalisme à Edmonton

Le 3ème Festival Annuel Multiculturel organisé par le Centre des Nouveaux Arrivants à Edmonton a eu lieu le 26 juin 2024.

Ce fut une célébration extraordinaire de la diversité et de l’esprit communautaire. S’étendant sur une journée entière, l’événement a mis en avant une riche tapisserie de cultures à travers la musique, la nourriture et l’art.

L’air était empli des arômes de cuisines du monde, avec des stands proposant des délices allant de currys épicés à des boulettes savoureuses, satisfaisant tous les palais.

Les artisans exposaient leurs créations, comme de la peinture sur la peau, offrant un aperçu des traditions artistiques de différentes cultures.

Des ateliers interactifs ont permis aux participants de partager lors des différentes activités et autres pratiques culturelles, favorisant la compréhension et l’appréciation.

Les enfants ont participé à des jeux et activités conçus pour les éduquer à la diversité et à l’inclusion, promouvant une future génération de citoyens du monde.

Le festival a également proposé des conférences et des discussions sur le multiculturalisme et l’intégration sociale, encourageant le dialogue parmi les participants.

Le 3ème Festival Annuel Multiculturel du Centre des Nouveaux Arrivants a été un succès retentissant, créant des souvenirs durables et renforçant l’importance d’embrasser la diversité culturelle pour bâtir une communauté forte et unifiée.