Recruitment posting: Board of Reference Roster.

Ministry: Education

Opening Date: 2024/08/26

closing Date: 2024/10/06

Role: Board of Reference Members.

The Minister of Education is seeking applications from individuals interested in serving on a roster of individuals who may act as the Board of Reference (BOR).

Appeals referred to the BOR are typically held in-person in both Edmonton and Calgary.

Role Description

BOR appointees are respected individuals in the labour relations community who demonstrate credibility, accountability, integrity, respect, transparency and excellence in their practice. They have extensive experience and expertise in conducting administrative hearings and mediation processes for specific employment-related disagreements arising between a teacher and employing school board.

BOR appointees incorporate the tenets of natural justice in their practice when hearing an appeal referred to them by the Minister of Education.

Appointments to the BOR roster are made by Order in Council for terms up to five years with an opportunity for reappointment in accordance with the Education Act.

Skills and Experience Required

The candidate will have extensive labour relations experience and will be able to demonstrate that his/her decisions have been reached in an administratively fair and reasonable manner in labour relations.

The candidates must have knowledge of:

employment law; collective agreements, employee rights and benefits; the growing influence of human rights, sexual harassment, discrimination, and whistleblower legislation in employment-related disputes; and the statutory duty of reasonableness and fairness.

The candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the: BOR; kindergarten to grade 12 education system, how it is structured, how it is established in accordance with legislation and familiarity with key stakeholders; role of a school board as the employer;

role of the teacher as employee usually represented by a union and as a member of the teaching profession; and role, responsibilities and powers of the BOR appointees.

The candidate must be viewed as impartial by the ATA and school boards.

The candidate must demonstrate competence, credibility, accountability, ethics/integrity, respect, transparency and excellence.

The candidate must be able to deliver orders in a timely way.

The candidate must apply the tenets of natural justice:

be impartial and free from improper influence and interference, demonstrate fairness in process and decision-making, and act in a manner which avoids any conflict of interest.

The candidate must demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. Oral and written fluency in French is considered a significant asset. Preference will be given to candidates with an applicable degree (law or related degree) and extensive labour law experience.

Remuneration and Time Commitment Remuneration may be provided in accordance with the Board of Reference Fees Regulation.

The time commitment is determined by the frequency of appeals filed with the BOR and the complexity of the matter involved in an appeal. Typically, between 8 and 10 appeals are filed per year.

Appeals referred to the BOR are typically heard in-person in the Edmonton and Calgary regions.

This ad will close on September 8, 2024, or until suitable candidates are found.

In addition to your cover letter and resume, we require a biography. Click HERE to download the biography form.

Once the forms are completed, save them to your PC. When you click on submit application, you will be prompted to upload additional documents. Drag and drop or upload your completed biography form and others requested into the ‘Drop files below or click to upload’ section.

Contact Information

Executive Search, Alberta Public Service Commission.

Phone: 780-408-8460

You can apply on-line at


Annonce de recrutement : Liste de référence du conseil d’arbitrage

Ministère : Éducation

Date d’ouverture : 26/08/2024

Date de clôture : 06/10/2024

Poste : Membres du Conseil d’arbitrage

Le ministre de l’Éducation recherche des candidatures pour constituer une liste de personnes pouvant siéger au Conseil d’arbitrage (CA). Les appels renvoyés au CA se tiennent généralement en personne à Edmonton et à Calgary.

Description du rôle

Les membres du CA sont des professionnels respectés dans le domaine des relations de travail, faisant preuve de crédibilité, d’intégrité, de respect, de transparence et d’excellence. Ils possèdent une vaste expérience dans la conduite d’audiences administratives et de médiations liées aux différends entre un enseignant et une commission scolaire.

Les membres du CA appliquent les principes de la justice naturelle lors des audiences des appels renvoyés par le ministre de l’Éducation.

Les nominations au CA sont faites par décret pour une durée pouvant aller jusqu’à cinq ans, avec possibilité de renouvellement, conformément à la Loi sur l’Éducation.

Compétences et expérience requises

Le candidat doit avoir une expérience approfondie dans les relations de travail et démontrer que ses décisions sont justes et raisonnables.

Les candidats doivent avoir des connaissances en :

Droit du travail, conventions collectives, droits des employés et avantages sociaux

Influence croissante des droits de l’homme, harcèlement sexuel, discrimination et législation sur les lanceurs d’alerte

Devoir statutaire d’impartialité et de justice.

Le candidat doit aussi comprendre :

Le CA et son rôle

Le système d’éducation de la maternelle à la 12e année et sa structure

Le rôle d’une commission scolaire comme employeur

Le rôle des enseignants, généralement représentés par un syndicat, et leurs responsabilités professionnelles.

Le candidat doit démontrer des compétences en :

Imparcialité et éthique

Communication verbale et écrite en anglais (la maîtrise du français est un atout).

Rémunération et engagement

La rémunération est conforme au Règlement sur les honoraires du Conseil d’arbitrage. Le temps d’engagement dépend du nombre et de la complexité des appels, environ 8 à 10 par an.

Date limite : 8 septembre 2024

Contact : Executive Search, Alberta Public Service Commission

Téléphone : 780-408-8460

Email :

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