October 23, 2020, weekly Diversity Online

Watch Diversity TV October 23, 2020 Community Newscast on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/diversitytvcan/posts/2095769153892581

This week is Small Business Week, October 18-24.

It’s the time to celebrate, appreciate, and support small businesses in your community, those taking the risk, putting sleepless nights converting ideas into reality, creating jobs, inspiring others, sponsoring your events, and helping you live here comfortably, far away, as if you were in your country of heritage, with all the wonderful foods and clothes that you crave.

Please take a moment this week and think about these champions in your community and do something about them. They badly need your support especially during this Coronavirus pandemic!

Diversity will be sharing stories of those we met across Alberta. What can you do?

How can you support these visionary leaders in your Community?

Visit and experience what they’re offering, online or in person

Leave a good review online

Refer a family or friend

Give them constructive feedback on how to improve

Go back when you can.