By Len Chan

Calgary: Tales from Around the Globe- Diversity In Canada was held March 17, 2018, at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology(SAIT), Calgary, focusing on young people who are from Diversity Communities and the challenges they faced starting a new life in Canada.

Hosted by Immigrant Services Calgary, the event included cultural performances, Service and Organization booths and most important is listening to young people from overseas coming to Canada at a very young age and for some in their teens and how they coped not knowing the language, weather conditions, or anything and being isolated for being so called different at school and unable to make friends. They all said NEVER GIVE UP and challenge yourself saying you are not going to fail. One young lady said failing was not an option and she wanted to show her family who also faced their own problems that coming to Canada for a better way of life for all to succeed.

The Judges were young adults and students judging the Tales and also the Performers.