Alberta NDP Leader, Rachel Notley’s relentless fight for Albertans in the form of advocating for COVID-19 support, staying out of scandals such as Alberta’s version of vacantiongate, speaking in support of teachers, doctors, and nurses, taking a tough stance on those who make racist statements, preaching the gospel of economic diversification for Alberta especially with the Keystone Pipeline project getting the stop from the new US Administration, and her support for Black Lives Matter and efforts to tackle racism in Alberta has been rewarded with a bumper harvest in the political money trail. Ahead of Premier Jason Kenney’s governing UCP, the NDP out-raised the UCP, with both crossing $5 million in 2020 for party donations. Thousands of Albertans donated to the NDP for the very first time.

Conspicuously rare on both the NDP and UCP donation lists, are multicultural community names. Our communities have to put its money where its mouth is even in tough COVID-19 and bad economic times in support for building a better tomorrow with the party that we believe can improve things for Albertans in general, and in particular for our families, friends, children and our communities.

Donations provide political parties with the lifeblood to fight for what matters to its donors and supporters. It’s obvious that commenting on social media post and quiet support for a party in our minds is not going to be enough without taking some financial inconvenience as a small investment for a bright future when next you get the email or call, or just go to the party’s website yourself and do it – $5, $10, $15, $20, every little counts!

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