Diversity Mini-Business Tour, Calgary…

Wow! What an experience with acupuncture!

After busy days of many packed meetings during my Calgary Mini-Business Tour, I became tired and stressed. Where better to get high quality relaxation than putting my adventurous mind to try Traditional Chinese Medicine with Dr. Laurel Stuart.

Dr. Laurel Stuart is a Calgary based Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a certified yoga therapist and a registered massage therapist.

A key component of Traditional Chinese medicine is acupuncture. Traditional acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles into the skin like those used on my forehead, wrists, and ankles by Dr. Stuart. Acupuncture works well to treat pain and improve overall wellness. Overall wellness in our world includes stress management. Poor stress management is linked to many diseases today.

For someone with a phobia for needles surprisingly I felt just a very little pinch from those needles.

The result was quick, a calming and relaxing feeling, just about 10 minutes after.

Wow! What a first experience with acupuncture!