Zainab Mohamoud Founder & President of the Education for Somali Girls and Boys Fund. Zainab founded the Education for Somali Girls and Boys Fund in Somalia in 2014. She worked hard to raise the funds needed to build a school in Somalia that was completed in 2015. Currently the school has 200 students enrolled. Her motivation for founding a school is primarily due to the fact when she was living there (post 1990 war) she found it difficult to get an education and to be treated equally in Somalia.

She made it her mission to make a difference and to do her best to ensure that the next generation of children would not encounter the same problem. As of right now, the school is currently teaching grades 1 through 8. Zainab is now determined to have a residence built on the same site, so that these children will have a safe place to call home while they attend school.

Zainab is the recipient of the 2018 RDC Student Recognition Award, the 2018 RDC Student Recognition Monetary Scholarship, the Daughter of the Year Award in 2014, the Soroptimist Ruby Award in 2015 & the Recognition of Women of Excellence in 2016., fund raising for Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s “CIBC Run for the Cure 2013” and she was instrumental in CAIWA winning an award for “Most Challenged Fund Raising Women’s Association, she was team captain and she recreated three teams and each team had 10 to 15 participants who also raised funds for the effort.

Zainab was team captain “CIBC Run for the Cure2014” where she recruited two teams and they raised funds for the cause. She was team captainthe Batting Against Breast Cancer Slo-Pitch Tournament in 2014 and she recruited volunteers for the event, recruited two teams who participants it also raised funds for the effort. Zainab also was the second top of individual fundraiser and she gets recognition from the Breast Cancer foundation.

Zainab is currently doing her 3nd year bachelor of Arts a major sociology, at Red Deer College collaboration program through The U of C. She has a diploma of Social Work and certificate of Child Assistant.

She has been featured for her social work expertise and achievements in Somalia in various local newspapers in Red Deer, Shaw TV, Red Deer College Alumni in 2016-217, Red Deer College newsletter in April 2018, Edmonton newspaper & interviewed on Dalmar TV in Ohio Columbus. She is active on social media to promote her projects and she volunteers her time with Red Deer community. Zainab was part of Women of Excellence 10 annual Diamond event in 2017 and she was responsible for helping them to secured silent auction items and media coordinator.  Also, she was part of committee who organized Red Deer Film Justice Fest in 2017 where she was volunteer coordinator so she recruited volunteers for three days.