Diversity TV Community Newscast, November 06, 2020, hosted in the Funicular in Edmonton.

Welcome to Diversity TV Community Newscast for this week.

We’re your host Rayyah Sempala and Harriet Tinka…

First the News Headlines…

The US hotly contested election finally crawls to an end…

Organizations taking care of our underprivileged members adapt to a climate of COVID-19….

…and here’s the news in detail with Rayyah Sempala

1. Joe Biden is projected to win the US election with Donald Trump crying foul and sparaying a litany of law suits.

But what does this mean for multicultural communities in Canada and for Alberta?

Diversity TV ask political consultant and strategist, Najib Jutt for his perspectives.

Edmonton Political Consultant and Strategist, Najib Jutt

2. As COVID-19 cases swell in Alberta, it creates a lot more problems for our underprivileged communities. Calgary Newcomer Centre has seen a great rise in people in need of services, as well as, a need to adapt to the changing landscape. Calgary Centre for Newcomers, President and CEO, Anila Lee Yuen, shared how her organization is faring so far with Diversity TV.

Calgary Centre for Newcomers, President and CEO, Anila Lee Yuen

3. Update from the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw on the swelling cases of COVID-19 in Alberta who says Alberta is seeing a large portion of transmissions from households. One family member develops symptoms and infects immediate and extended family. Protect those around you. If you’re sick with even mild symptoms, isolate in a separate room, use a different bathroom and bedroom if possible. Wear a mask and disinfect surfaces after using them. Don’t share meals or spend time in close contact with family, like watching a movie. Don’t leave the house, even if your symptoms are mild and even if it’s an important family gathering. That is how one case can lead to 10-20. For more information, please go to COVID-19 updates at www.alberta.ca/COVID19

4. With limited movements, social distancing, industries are getting creative in how to provide their services and still keep us safe. A Calgary Realtor, Conrald Aglah, shares how you can buy or sell a house and still stay safe these days.

Calgary Realtor, Conrald Aglah

5. Diversity Profile: From October 3rd to November 4th, the Edmonton Multicultural Coalition partnered with the Art Gallery of Alberta to provide 5 multicultural artists with an opportunity of a lifetime by showcasing their works. One of the artists, Irene Apon, shares her story.

Irene Apon

6. In a period where layoffs are common place as a result of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Solomon College’s employment training programs is hosting a webinar on Wednesday November 18, 2020, from 1:00-2:00 PM. Hosted by the Catholic Social Services’ LARCC. For more information about this webinar, please email Email: larcc@cssalberta.ca, or go to www.larcc.cssalberta.ca

Key Workplace Essential Skills Training (KWEST)

Interested in a future in the warehousing industry?

Let Solomon College support you on your journey with the KWEST program!

Sharon and Henry currently talking the KWEST Program shares their thoughts with Diversity TV.

The last class of formal instruction is on November 20th.

There will be job interview practice from the 16th to the 20th for KWEST students.

From November 23rd to December 7th, KWEST will be assisting the students as they look for work with additional interview practice and warehouse technology practice.

After the 7th of December, they will hopefully be at their respective new workplaces.

The next KWEST intake is in January.

Two Current KWEST Students; Sharon Esteves (left) and her Step-son, Humphrey Casas (right)

7. And now let me leave you with this one, Mariana Tinoco Gallegos shares COVID-19 caution on the growing number of cases in the Spanish language.

Mariana Tinoco Gallegos shares COVID-19 caution on the growing number of cases in the Spanish language
Thank you for watching Diversity TV, it’s been your host Rayyah Sempala (right) and Harriet Tinka (left)