Diversity TV Community Newscast, October 30, 2020, hosted at the Mexico Society of Edmonton’s Day of the Dead Altar at Kingsway Mall.

Welcome to Diversity TV Community Newscast for this week…

We’re your host Rayyah Sempala and Harriet Tinka…

First the News Headlines…

The Mexican Community in Edmonton leads the Day of the Dead celebration

A judge says NO to the discrimination of a Black tenant

Alberta Slaps New public health measures as COVID-19 cases rise


Dr. Abu Conteh adds his voice to the growing COVID-19 numbers in the Creole Language.

…And now let’s go to the news in detail…

  1. The Mexican Society of Edmonton celebrates the Day of the Dead by erecting a colourful altar at the Kingsway Mall.

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and elsewhere associated to the Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.

This multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died.

Mariana Tinoco Gallegos, President of the Mexican Society of Edmonton gave us a tour of the colourful altar at the Kingsway Mall.

  1. A Discriminatory Landlord Refused by Judge to Evict Black Tenant

A Toronto based restaurant, Elias Restaurant & Tavern won an eviction case centered on the fact that the landlord and management of Keele Sheppard Plaza, at 3310 Keele Street, Northwest Toronto wanted a new tenant who “would somehow be more suitable to the shopping plaza even after bumping the rents up by 125%.

“Identifying a family-run restaurant as not family-friendly, and impugning a restaurant-bar for serving ‘liquor’ and having smokers stand outside the premises, all point to a mindset that condemns the minority population for what is considered normal behaviour for the majority population,” Justice Ed Morgan wrote in his September 11 judgement. During the trial, indicative of “racial stereotyping”.

The 1,500-square-foot Elias Restaurant has had a $150,000 invested in the space since 2013 with a five-year lease, with an option to extend for two additional five-year terms. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic hitting hard on the restaurant industry, the restaurant never missed a rent payment running only takeout.

A new tenant, a doctor’s office, would offer less than the restaurant’s current rent, “substantially less” than the $7,500 per month that the restaurant pays. 

  1. The Central Alberta Immigrant Women’s Association (CAIWA) opens new building in Red Deer on November 1, 2020.
    Executive Director, Halima Ali took the organization in 2015 when it was about to shut down and now has taken it to two locations, a new two-story building, a conference room, and a community kitchen to support women from multicultural communities build successful lives in Red Deer.
  2. Traffic Court gives red light to in-person appearances Defendants, Witnesses to access court services remotely to prevent COVID spread.

In response to rising case counts of COVID-19 across the province, Alberta’s court system is asking people to hit the brakes if they’re thinking of heading to a courthouse to deal with a traffic ticket.

The Office of The Chief Judge has released revised guidelines for traffic court which require all parties to communicate by phone or by e-mail with the applicable court house. All traffic fines can be paid online without a service fee at www.fines.alberta.ca.

Those who must deal with the courts should do so by phone, mail or email until they are advised to attend in person.

  1. New public health measures are in place for the cities of Edmonton and Calgary to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. A new mandatory 15-person limit on all social gatherings has been implemented in Edmonton and Calgary. This applies to all social or family gatherings, including parties, wedding and funeral receptions and banquets. This limit does not change the measures currently in place for restaurants, worship services, wedding ceremonies, conferences, funeral services or trade shows. Along with the mandatory limit on social gatherings, voluntary public health measures currently in place in Edmonton are also recommended for anyone living in or visiting Calgary. Wear non-medical masks in all indoor work settings, except when alone in workspaces such as offices or cubicles. where you can be safely distanced from others or an appropriate barrier is in place. Limit of no more than three cohorts: (a core/household cohort, a school cohort, and one additional sport, social or other cohort). Young children who attend child care may part of four cohorts, given that child care cohorts have not been seen to be a high risk context for spread. Learn more at www.alberta.ca/COVID19
  2. In Diversity TV international news, 7 children were brutally murdered and many more injured at the Mother Francisca International Bilingual Academy in the south western city of Kumba, Cameroon. The atrocities are blamed on the English speaking secessionist fighters who have been fighting for independence from French speaking Cameroon.
  3. As the US election goes to closing days this early next week, here are a selection of clips by Democrats and Republicans that we selected for you.
  4. Diversity TV Profiles: Mitali Banerjee shares her artistic journey, showcasing her works, as well as leading Edmonton Multicultural Association.
  5. As France enters into another COVID-19 lockdown, 3 People are killed in the French City of Nice on October 29, 2020. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada strongly condemns the terror attack that took place in Nice on the French Church. The murder and beheading of Samuel Paty and the attack in Nice must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Such grievous attacks are completely against the teachings of Islam. Our religion does not permit terrorism or extremism under any circumstances and anyone who claims otherwise acts against the teachings of the Holy Quran and contrary to the noble character of the Holy Prophet of Islam.
  6. And let me leave you with this…

Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases in Alberta, we asked Dr. Abu Conteh, President of the Sierra Leone Community in Edmonton to caution the community in Creole Language spoken in most of West Africa.

Thank you very much for watching Diversity TV Weekly Community Newscast…

It’s been your hosts Rayyah Sempala and Harriet Tinka, see you next week!
