Diversity launches its first weekly news, brought to you by Rayyah our diversity Reporter. Check out the interesting things and events going on in the Edmonton community.

Do you watch TV?

If you have not watched the first Diversity TV newscast, please click here to watch, a beautiful piece of work by Team Diversity TV, they need your support to get the word out, https://www.facebook.com/diversitytvcan/videos/2368653770108251A lot is missing on TV about communities, by communities, for communities. A lot of talents wasting with no platform to shine. Something has to be done!You do not see yourselves in what is being projected on TV. As a matter of fact, it does not speak to multicultural communities, the reason why most of you do not watch local TV.

Diversity put a fantastic group together to work on a multicultural TV that reflects you. The first edition, a 5 minutes newscast, was put out last Friday and every Friday, at 7PM, there will be a newscast on all Diversity online platforms. This week, there’ll be the start of the launch of different shows that community members think should be shared on issues that matters to you and your communities.

Thank you for your support as always. As you always do, please invite all to like the page and share the videos with everyone that you can, like the page so you get reminded of all new videos, and let us know what you think should be on this community TV platform, and talents that can use this platform to move to that next level.

What’s new in your communities, community news, events, government policies and how it impacts you, businesses, commentaries, opinions, using the platform for those with talents and ideas to shine, sharing successes, challenges, and overcoming the challenges of new Canadians. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk TV…it’s time!